
Fail - synonyms

Total 218 synonym synonyms found for fail.


be a gas

be a hit

be caught napping

be found wanting

be inferior

be insufficient

be neglectful

be negligent

be ruined

be unfaithful

be unsuccessful

become insolvent

break faith

cheat the undertaker

close down

come short

come to grief

come unstuck



fail of

fail of success

fall shy

flunk out

fold up

go bankrupt

go broke

go downhill

go into receivership

go soft

go to ruin

have nothing on

hit a slump

hit rock bottom

hit the skids

kick the beam


leave undone

lose strength

lose track of

make a hit



not answer

not approach

not come near

not come off

not get involved

not hack it

not heed

not make it

not make out

not measure up

not pass

not qualify

not stretch

not suffice

not think

not work

open a show

peg out

play second fiddle

rank under

reach the depths

run short


set the stage

shift the blame

shift the responsibility

stop short


turn gray

turn white

wither away