
Hold out - synonyms

Total 150 synonym synonyms found for hold out.

be proof against

be unflappable

be unmoved

be unwilling

bear up against

come up fighting

continue to be

decline to accept

defeat time

defy time

get home free

go on strike

hang in there

hang tough

hold out against

last long

last out

live through it

live with it

not back down

not consent

not flag

not give up

not hear of

not submit

not think of

not weaken


refuse consent

remain firm

resist entreaty

resist persuasion

ride it out


say nay

say no

see it out

shut it down

stand firm

stand no nonsense

stand the gaff

stay it out

stay on

stay the distance

stay with it

stick fast

stick it

stick to it

stick with it

take no denial

take what comes

vote nay

vote negatively